TRUE Lift by Dr. Agnes Frankel

While new therapies, devices and preparations regularly appear on the market, promising spectacular results in the Anti-Aging field, it is easy for us to lose ourselves in an unreflective pursuit of trends and, as a result, to caricature ourselves. Meanwhile, the future of aesthetic medicine lies in solutions focused on accentuating our natural beauty, based on in-depth analysis, a holistic approach and precise tailoring to each woman’s individual needs. The latest technologies are meant to serve us, not the other way around, and the effectiveness of combinations of different treatments can only be predicted by a specialist.

This is the philosophy behind the creation of the proprietary treatment line – TRUELiftTM by Agnes Frankel. Years of exploring the secrets of beauty medicine in the world’s top centers, passion and experience in working with patients, allowed Dr. Frankel to develop her own, innovative treatment procedure, aimed at achieving an immediate, long-lasting and, above all, natural lifting and regeneration effect.


WHAT IS TRUELiftTM all about?



The minimally invasive TRUELiftTM method, is aimed at people who want visible results without the interference of a scalpel. It is based on a personalized combination of appropriate treatments, preceded by a detailed interview and analysis of the skin’s condition and topped with a precise post-treatment care plan.

The first consultation usually lasts more than an hour. Based on a detailed examination of the skin, a comprehensive treatment plan is arranged, based on 3 pillars:

1. customized laser treatment – the laser stimulates skin restoration at a precise depth, while leaving no visible traces on the surface of the skin. Thus, it allows you to achieve spectacular results without the need for convalescence – you can immediately return to daily activities.

2. booster, which is an injection of active ingredients, strongly stimulating the body’s natural regenerative capabilities (e.g. plasma, platelet-rich fibrin, stem cells). For best results, the type of preparation is always selected individually.

3. personalized, detailed home care plan to sustain and enhance the effects of the treatment.

The various treatments enhance each other’s effectiveness. Each of the three stages is effective in fighting the aging process on its own. However, it is only with the right combination and timing of several treatments that quick and lasting results can be achieved.




TRUELiftTM is a method that presents a natural and balanced approach to beauty. It is an ideal choice both for people with demanding mature skin, looking for subtle solutions, and for those who are just discovering the first signs of aging in themselves and want to act preventively.

By stimulating collagen and elastin production, the skin regains firmness, proper density and hydration. Fine wrinkles, scars and dark circles under the eyes disappear. The complexion takes on a beautiful, even tone. Individually tailored treatments also help improve facial oval and skin tone.

TRUELiftTM does not alter facial features and leaves no visible signs of medical interference. Our patients often hear, “WOW! You look great, are you back from vacation?”.

Feel good in your own skin, gain confidence and stand together with us on the side of natural beauty!