Organizational Regulations

§ 1. General provisions

1. The organizational regulations were established pursuant to Art. 24 in conjunction. from Art. 23 of the Act of April 15, 2011 on medical activity (unified text, Dz.U. of 2020, item 295, as amended).
2. The Regulations set forth the manner and conditions for the provision of health services by the medical entity operating under the name of Agnes Frankel (reg.: registration book number: 000000241030, authority designation: W-24), hereinafter referred to as the “Clinic”.
3. The Regulations apply to all employees of the Clinic, as well as persons performing health services for the Clinic under civil law contracts, patients of the Clinic, visitors and other persons present on the premises of the Clinic’s medical facility in connection with the process of providing health services.


§ 2. Aims and objectives

1. The purpose of the Clinic is to provide health services in the field of dermatology, endocrinology and aesthetic medicine, as well as health promotion and health education.
2. The tasks of the Clinic are:
1) Providing health care services in accordance with current medical knowledge, respect for the rights of the patient, as well as in accordance with the principles of ethics and generally applicable laws;
2) Health promotion and health education of patients;
3) performance of other tasks of the Clinic to the extent required by generally applicable laws.


§ 3. Organizational structure

1. The Clinic performs therapeutic activities through a therapeutic establishment called “NZOZ Dr. Frankel’s.”
2. Within the treatment facility referred to in paragraph. 1, function:
1) organizational cell – “Dermatology outpatient clinic (001)”,
2) organizational cell – “Endocrinology outpatient clinic (002)”,
3) organizational cell – “Diagnostic and surgical office (003)”.


§ 4. Type and scope of health services provided

1. The office conducts therapeutic activities in the type of outpatient health services.
2. The office provides outpatient health services in the field of dermatology, endocrinology, aesthetic medicine, including:
1) Providing medical consultations;
2) Issuance of judgments and certificates on the health of patients;
3) issuance of prescriptions;
4) Health promotion and health education of patients;
5) perform dermatology and aesthetic medicine procedures in an outpatient setting


§ 5. Place and course of providing health services

1. Health care services are provided at the treatment facility of NZOZ Dr. Frankel’s in Warsaw, at 15/4 Raszyńska Street.
2. Health services are provided from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. Patient admissions are held on weekdays, at times agreed upon with the patient or the patient’s legal representative in the manner specified in paragraph (2). 5. In particularly justified cases, the Manager may decide to admit a patient at other times, after agreeing on the date of admission with the patient or his legal or actual representative.
3. patient registration is carried out in person or by phone (tel. +48 789375101). During registration, the patient or his/her legal representative is required to show proof of identity, provide PESEL number and accept the provisions of these Regulations.
4. Payment for services provided shall be made in advance before the provision of services. In the event that the need for additional services arises during the provision of services, the patient will be informed of such need, as well as the amount of the cost of providing additional services. Payment for additional services is made after they are provided, but no later than the day of the visit.

5. the Clinic accepts the following forms of payment:
1) cash;
2) bank transfer;
3) credit/payment card.
6. Prior to the provision of services, the Patient shall be obliged to provide the personnel providing services with all information and explanations that will be necessary to ensure the proper provision of health services, including, in particular, the presentation of the medical records in his possession together with the results of examinations.
7. The conditions for providing health services are:
a. Registration of the visit in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations,
b. making payment for benefits,
c. Patient’s informed consent to the provision of health services,
d. Provision by the Patient of the information referred to in paragraph. 6;
e. positive qualification of the Patient.


§ 6. Availability of health services

1. The Clinic shall organize health services in such a way as to provide patients with the best possible accessibility and the most convenient form of use of services.
2. Health services are provided to patients for a fee, based on the price list in effect on the date of service, as determined by the Manager and constituting Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations and available at the reception desk of the Clinic.
3. The Clinic reserves the right to refuse to admit a Patient or to discontinue further provision of health services in the following cases:
1) if the Patient’s health condition does not allow him/her to receive health services;
2) in case of failure to meet the conditions specified in § 5 paragraph. 7;
3) in the event of an epidemic emergency or for reasons of patient health safety;
4) In the event of violation by the patient, his legal representative or other persons accompanying the patient of the obligations and prohibitions set forth in § 9 par. 4 and 5 of the Regulations. This is decided by the Manager or his deputy or another person authorized by the Manager;
5) in other cases when the provision of health services is impossible for reasons beyond the control of the Clinic.


§ 7. Quality of health services

1. Health services in the Clinic are performed by personnel with the appropriate qualifications and authorizations specified in separate regulations.
2. Health services shall be provided to patients with due diligence, in accordance with current medical knowledge, respecting the rights of the patient and in conditions that meet the professional and sanitary requirements in force in this regard.
3. Persons providing health care services to patients shall be guided by the principles of professional ethics as defined by the competent self-government of the medical profession.


§ 8. Medical records

1. The office shall maintain, store and make available medical records in accordance with the rules set forth in the Law of November 6, 2008. On Patient Rights and Patient Ombudsman and implementing regulations.
2. The office ensures the protection of personal data contained in medical records. Medical records are retained for the period provided for by generally applicable laws.
3. The Clinic shall provide access to medical records free of charge within 14 days from the date of receipt of the relevant application.


§ 9. Patient rights and responsibilities

1. Health services shall be provided in accordance with the patient’s rights as defined in the Act of November 6, 2008. On Patient Rights and Patient Ombudsman, as well as in separate regulations.
2. A patient whose rights have been violated in the use of health care services has the right to file a verbal or written complaint with the Manager or his deputy.
3. Information on patients’ rights shall be made available to patients at the place where health services are provided in written form, in a place accessible to the public.
4. The patient shall:
1) comply with the provisions of the Regulations;
2) observe the rules of personal hygiene;
3) respect the rights of other patients;
4) respect the property of the Clinic.
5. On the premises of the treatment facility it is prohibited:
1) Alcohol consumption;
2) smoking, including e-cigarettes;
3) introduction of animals;
4) canvassing and conducting for-profit activities.


§ 10. Clinic Management

1. The activities of the Clinic, are headed by the Clinic Director (“Director”).
2. The manager manages the affairs of the Clinic and represents it externally and performs other duties under generally applicable laws.
3. The Director may appoint deputies to manage individual units or organizational cells or to manage matters of a specific type. For this purpose, the Danager may, in particular, grant the necessary powers of attorney or authorizations to his deputies.
4. The Director may entrust a designated person with the duty to supervise the regularity and quality of the health services provided, to coordinate the work of medical personnel employed or cooperating with the Clinic, and to supervise the regularity of medical records (medical director).


§ 11. Conditions for cooperation with other health care providers

1. In order to ensure the correctness and continuity of the process of providing health services, the Clinic interacts with other medical entities providing health services to these patients, as well as with representatives of other medical professions.
2. Cooperation shall be carried out in accordance with the rules set forth in generally applicable laws and with respect for the rights of the patient. Detailed rules of cooperation may be specified in separate agreements.


§ 12. Video surveillance of the premises

1. In order to ensure the safety of patients and staff of the Clinic, observation of the public premises is carried out by means of devices that allow recording of images (video surveillance). Video surveillance does not record sound.
2. Video surveillance covers the entrance area of the treatment facility, the waiting room, the registration room and the public corridor. The observation does not include the premises where health services are provided.
3. Personal data contained in recordings obtained as a result of video surveillance, the Clinic processes only for the purposes referred to in paragraph (3). 1.
4. Observation is carried out around the clock. Recordings are captured and stored for a period not exceeding three months. After the expiration of this period, the recordings shall be destroyed, unless otherwise specified in separate regulations.
5. Recordings may be made available to entities and bodies authorized under separate regulations.
6. The handling of the process of recording, recording, storing and providing access to the recordings may be entrusted to a third party on the basis of a separate agreement, with observance of the principles of personal data processing under the generally applicable law.
7. The Director of the Clinic shall inform patients and other persons who may be subject to video surveillance about the principles of processing of personal data in connection with observation of premises, including the purposes and legal grounds for processing, by posting an appropriate information clause in a generally accessible place on the premises of the Clinic.


§ 13. Final provisions

1. The Regulations shall come into force on 01.05.2024.
2. In matters not regulated in the Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable law shall apply, including in particular the Act of April 15, 2011. On therapeutic activity, the Act of November 6, 2008 on patients’ rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights, implementing acts to these laws.


Clinic Director: Agnes Frankel


1 – Price list of health services provided for a fee. Current version available at: