REGULATIONS of the PROMOTION “Vacation without cellulite and swelling – JULY 2024”.

§ 1
(1) The organizer of the promotional action “Holidays without cellulite and swelling – JULY 2024”, hereinafter referred to as the “Promotion”, is Agnes Frankel, based in Mikołów (43-190), ul. Stara Droga 58, NIP: 6351808239, REGON 243277236, hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”.
(2) The promotion is conducted by the Organizer’s facility in the country. Facility data – NZOZ Dr. Frankel’s, ul. Raszyńska 15/4, 02-026 Warsaw, tel. +48 789375101, email: hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer’s facility”.


§ 2

(1) The promotion will run from 01/07/2024 to 31/07/2024.
(2) The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or suspend the Promotion at any time, without giving any reason, after posting information about the exact date of cancellation or suspension of the Promotion on the website:


§ 3

(1) The Promotion may be participated in by any natural person, of full legal age, having full legal capacity, meeting the conditions set forth in these Regulations, hereinafter referred to as the “Participant”.
(2) The condition for participation in the Promotion is the purchase of a package of 10 60-minute treatments using the ICOONE Laser Med 2 device in the period from 1.07.2024 to 31.07.202. at the Organizer’s facility indicated in §1 par. 1, or at the Organizer’s online store at:


§ 4

(1) Participants who meet the conditions of these regulations specified in § 3 paragraph. 2 will be entitled to purchase a package of 10 60-minute treatments using ICOONE Laser Med 2 equipment at a promotional price of 3900 PLN.
(2) The Participant may receive the Promotional Item once for each documented purchase of a package of treatments at the Organizer’s facility.
3. the Participant will receive the Subject of the promotion immediately after the purchase with the possibility of use until 30.09.2024.
(4) After the purchase, the Participant should arrange appointments for the realization of the purchased package of services by contacting the reception desk of the Organizer’s facility, at telephone number +48 789375101 or e mail address:
(5) Cancellation of an appointment on the booked date is possible no later than 48 hours before the date. In case of no-show at the scheduled appointment and no cancellation at the indicated time, the value of the treatment package provided for the scheduled appointment will not be refunded.
(2) Cancellation of a booked appointment is possible by calling +48 789375101 or sending an e-mail to The organizer does not provide any other possibility of cancellation.
(3) Failure to appear at an appointment or failure to cancel within the indicated time period will result in forfeiture of the value of the treatment package provided for the appointment and will not be refunded regardless of the reason.
(4) The Participant’s lateness to the booked appointment, if held, will result in its reduction by the time of lateness, while the fee remains unchanged. In case of lateness exceeding half of the scheduled appointment time, the Organizer is entitled to cancel the appointment booking, which results in forfeiture of the value of the treatment package provided for the arranged appointment and is non-refundable regardless of the reason for lateness.
(5) The organizer reserves the right to cancel the reserved appointment no later than one hour before the date. In case of cancellation, the Organizer will offer the Participant a new appointment. If a new appointment is not accepted or not offered, the Organizer will reimburse the Participant for the value of the treatment package provided for the appointment.
(6) In addition, the Participant declares that he/she agrees (in accordance with Art. 6 paragraph. 1 point a of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter: “RODO”)) for the processing by the Organizer of the personal data provided in order to properly exercise the rights and obligations under the Regulations, including for the purpose of conducting the complaint process.
(7) The Organizer declares that personal data will be collected and processed by the Organizer as the Administrator of personal data in accordance with the RODO and will be used only within the framework of and for the proper implementation of the rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions, including for the purpose of conducting the complaint process, and for the purpose of defending or pursuing possible claims, hereinafter referred to as the “legitimate interest of the Administrator”.
(8) In the case of filing a complaint, the User is obliged to provide his/her personal data, address data and telephone number, which data will be processed in accordance with RODO, for the purpose of the complaint process. The provision of personal data is completely voluntary but necessary for the successful implementation of the complaint process.
(9) The Organizer will consider the complaint within 14 days counting from the day of its submission by the User. The Organizer will notify the User of the result of the complaint.
10. the Promotion shall not be combined with any other promotions taking place at the respective Organizer’s facility.


§ 5

(1) Participants in the Promotion shall not be entitled to receive the equivalent (in cash or in kind) of the Promotional Item.
(2) Joining the Promotion means that the Participant has read the rules contained in the Terms and Conditions and fully accepts them.
3 The Regulations of the Promotion will be available at the Organizer’s outlet and at These Regulations are legally binding and advertising and promotional materials regarding the Promotion are for informational purposes only.
(4) Claims may be asserted in court only after the User has exhausted the complaint procedure specified in these regulations.
(5) In matters not covered by these regulations, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code will apply.
(6) Any disputes arising from the performance of obligations related to this Promotion shall be resolved by the Court of competent jurisdiction of the respondent.